Foam systems are divided in two main types:
- Low Expansion type that bubble expansion ratio is less than 1 to 20 and the bubble contains a high water content.
- Medium and High Expansion types that expansion ratios are bigger than 1 to 20 up to 1000. At these expansion ratios, the bubble water content is low and the bubble is relatively light. The foam bubbles are made by mixing a foam concentrate with water to make a foam solution. The foam solution is then mechanically agitating to foam bubble.
Our Products
SISICO extensive line of high quality, durable and field proven foam system hardware include:
- Vertical Foam Bladder Tank
- Horizontal Foam Bladder Tank
- Fixed-System proportioning equipment
- Discharge device (Foam maker, Foam chamber and Nozzles)
- Portable equipment
- Custom-engineered trailer and skid-mounted foam system (foam trailer)
- Self-contained foam units
- Foam skid units – foam trolley
- High back pressure